Saturday, April 26, 2014

Captain's Log... The Roller Coaster...

No permission whatsoever...
Oddly this seems like a very appropriate picture for my season with the Finks.

This is a real roller coaster where you can strap yourself on and ride down. Thrilling?! Yes, please and twice on Sunday. Scary?! Darn too-tin!... with an extra helping of WTF!

My season has had some ups and downs but I'm sticking with it... two more regular season games and some challenge matches. It's gonna be tight and somebody and something is getting cut unless I get really lucky.


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Captain's Log... The Fix is in...

Used without permission from these guys:
If they're scared they should say they are scared!

Earlier this week I had the 'pleasure' of playing another 'bashy' team. While not the results I hoped for, they weren't as bad as thy could have been.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Captain's Log... Kaos Team Two...

Used without permission from:
How do I start this post...

I could tell you that all was well and things were looking good... but the rats need a touch of touch-up paint. I could tell you that the direction I was going was up... but I think it's more like a stumbling side step.

High noon. It's almost like a western and you expect someone to ride in and save your butt...


The Sons of the Apocalypse (Chaos), The DoomBeards (Chaos Dwarves), and The Beasts of Burden are running through our Blood Bowl League like water through a sieve.

I am bound and determined to make them pay for the things they have done... or kill my team trying!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Captain's Log... Bacon Bowl...

Mister Pig... used without permission.

I actually had a good day with all the food and the people from out of town who came to our Blood Bowl league semi-annual tournament.

Oh! The picture... you want to know why the picture? Our tournament is bacon themed so should this post... sheesh... XD

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Captain's Log... A Field of Bacon...

My first custom pitch just in time for our local leagues semi-annual tournament. As I write this the field is being printed. The printer also upgraded the paper since the stuff I ordered isn't feeding into the maching correctly. At least the Finks are getting some luck in certain corners!

I have the tournament on Saturday and a match on Sunday. If things go as planned I'll post something up Sunday afternoon.

I'll be constructing a tournament roster in the corner till then...